Start your PlayStation 5 over

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The PlayStation 5 is a wonderful console and has oodles of great games to offer up for those lucky enough to have one in their home.

If you’ve got a PS5 that you need to give to a friend, sell, or that you’d like to simply reset for a fresh start, you might be wondering how to go about factory resetting it.

Here’s a quick guide to get you through the process easily.

How to factory reset your PS5

It’s actually not that hard to reset your PlayStation 5 – just follow these steps.

  1. Starting on your home screen, navigate to the Settings menu
  2. Scroll to the System section
  3. Select System Software
  4. Choose Reset Options

From here, you have a couple of options, including a total factory reset to wipe all data, but also the option to simply restore every default setting without wiping your actual data.

Whichever you choose, sit back to let your console complete the process and you’ll be sorted.

How to factory reset your PS4

If you’re looking to reset an older bit of Sony hardware, the PS4 is very simple to get wiped as well.

  1. From your home screen, go to Settings
  2. Select Initialize
  3. Choose your desired type of reset

That’s it – just like the PS5, you’ll soon be looking at a completely blank console, ready to sell without any worries about personal data or games going with it.

Just be sure to check the disc drive is empty before you give it away!

Other ways to maximise your PS5 and PS4

If you’re done with your factory reset and looking to improve your newly cleaned PS5 or PS4, we have a range of guides that could help you.

For one thing, our lists of the best PS5 games and best PS4 games are must-reads if you’re looking to catch up on some of the best games to have come to each console in recent years.

Meanwhile, we have a really handy list of tips and tricks for your PS5 that could help you to unlock that extra bit of functionality that’ll make it a powerhouse in your gaming setup.

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Credit : Source Post

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